07890 510622 info@stepintoyoga.com

Yoga 4 U

Hatha Yoga

Yoga 4 U

A Hatha class for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or looking to get back into regular yoga practice. This class is perfect for those who enjoy group yoga sessions.‘Hatha’ is the term used for the physical movement associated with yoga – in these classes, Hatha will be used alongside the all-important breathing techniques of pranayama in order to allow you create inner balance & harmony.With classes held both mornings and evenings, you can wake up and refresh with yoga, or allow your mind some peace after a long day at work!

Next Courses

Drop In: £10


Monday 09:30 – 10:45

  31st Mar ~ 07th Apr ~ NOT 14th Apr ~ 21st Apr (BH) 

 28th Apr ~ 05th May (BH) ~ 12th May ~ 19th May ~ 26th May (BH)

8 weeks = £64


Tuesday 19:45 – 21:00

01st Apr ~ 08th Apr ~ NOT 15th Apr ~ 22nd Apr 

 29th Apr ~ 06th May ~ 13th May ~ 20th May ~ 27th May

8 weeks = £64


Thursday 09:30 – 10:45

NOT 03rd Apr ~ 10th Apr ~ 17th Apr

24th Apr ~ 01st May ~ 08th May ~ 15th May ~ 22nd May ~ 29th May

6 weeks = £48


Thursday 18:15 – 19:30

NOT 03rd Apr ~ 10th Apr ~ 17th Apr

24th Apr ~ NOT 01st May ~ 08th May ~ 15th May ~ 22nd May ~ 29th May

weeks = £40


Knights Way Centre
Knights Way
Brentwood, CM13 2AZ


Frequently asked questions

What should I wear to the yoga class?
It is best to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes for the baby and yourself – nothing that restricts your movement or your breathing. Yoga is practiced in bare feet. You might like to bring socks and jumper/cardigan for extra warmth during the relaxation.
Do I need to have my own yoga mat?
If you have your own mat and you’d prefer to use it then you are welcome to do so.   Proper yoga mats are much better than the general aerobic type that are liable to slip. Mats are available to borrow and to buy at class. For the relaxation you might find a small pillow useful.
Should I eat before coming to class?
Wherever possible please try not to eat a large meal for a few hours before you come to class – it is not terribly comfortable to have a full stomach while practicing. Please bring water if you need it.
Do I need any previous yoga experience?
Yoga is not competitive! It does not matter if you haven’t practiced before – everybody has his or her individual strengths and weaknesses to work with. You will notice how your strength and flexibility increases after just a few sessions. It is very important to listen to your body to only do what you feel you are capable of, and make sure to rest if you feel you need to.

Yoga etiquette

Arrive at least 10 minutes before the class starts

Allow additional time if it is your first class

Turn off all electronic devices

This means anything that rings, dings or buzzes

Advise instructor of any injuries or health issues

If you have any injuries/medical conditions please make sure that I know before class and include relevant details on the sign-in sheet in the first class of the course.

Testimonials from students

“I really enjoy Step Into Yoga’s brilliant classes. As well as feeling the physical benefits of Renate’s yoga, I always leave her classes feeling relaxed, re-energised and ready for the week ahead. Renate is an excellent teacher who is always supportive and encouraging, and I love her holistic approach to yoga.” -Anna
“I always enjoy Renate’s ‘Step into Yoga’ classes and afterwards I feel both exercised and relaxed.  Her classes of Hatha Yoga are fun, Renate is a fun, bubbly person.  The exercises and stretches help to keep me fit and flexible, and are enjoyable too, although, more often than not, a challenge to achieve the ultimate stance!  I have learnt how to breath properly, something that I was not very good at before, despite being keen on sports all my life, too often I would hold my breath!  I am now more conscious of, and can control my breathing and feel fitter too.” -Roy
“Gentle yet joyful, simple yet remarkable. Renate is a wonderful teacher and her classes are fantastic. Highly recommended!” -Carmel